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ICRES 2024

International Conference on Robot Ethics and Standards
July 29-31, 2024
Keio University Hiyoshi Campus, Yokohama, Japan



ICRES 2024 is the 9th issue of the International Conference Series on Robot Ethics and Standards.
The conference will be organized in collaboration with the Keio University, Japan, during 29-31
 July 2024.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

• Autonomy and liability

• Ethical principles in robotics

• Enhancement technologies: ethical issues

• Defining ethical guidelines for the design, use, and operation of robots

• Privacy & management of personal data

• Ethical frameworks: universal or region-specific?

• The role of industry and society in the definition of safety standards

• AI technology to block unethical/mendacious social-media communication

• Accountability in autonomous systems

• Embedding values and norms into intelligent systems

• Ethics and standardization

• Raising ethical awareness among stakeholders

• Transparency in autonomous systems

• Political and legal frameworks

• Formal and mathematical frameworks for robot ethics

• Implementations and engineering studies

• User and HCI/HRI studies at the intersection of the above issues




General Co-Chairs of ICRES 2024

Satoshi Kurihara (Keio University, Vice President of JSAI, Japan)

Etsuko Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Mohammad Osman Tokhi (London South Bank University, UK)

Maria Isabel A. Ferreira (University of Lisbon, Portugal)

International Advisory Committee

Minoru Asada (Osaka University, Japan)
Gurvinder S. Virk (CL
AWAR Association)
Endre E. Kadar (University of Portsmouth, UK)

International Scientific Committee


Tatsuhiko Inatani (Kyoto University, Japan)
Hideaki Takeda (NII, Japan)
Naveen Sundar G (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA)
Manuel Silva (ISEP & INESCTEC, Portugal)



National Organising Committee


Satoshi Kurihara (Keio University, Japan)

Etsuko Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo, Japan)


Yueh-Hsuan Weng (Kyushu University, Japan)

Minao Kukita (Naogya University, Japan)

Arisa Ema (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Hiroshi Yamakawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

Hiromitsu Hattori (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)

Hirotaka Osawa (Keio University, Japan)

Takamitsu Matsubara (Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)



ICRES 2024 is the 9th issue of the International Conference Series on Robot Ethics and Standards.
The conference will be organized in collaboration with the Keio University, Japan, during 29-31
 July 2024.


Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following:

• Autonomy and liability

• Ethical principles in robotics

• Enhancement technologies: ethical issues

• Defining ethical guidelines for the design, use, and operation of robots

• Privacy & management of personal data

• Ethical frameworks: universal or region-specific?

• The role of industry and society in the definition of safety standards

• AI technology to block unethical/mendacious social-media communication

• Accountability in autonomous systems

• Embedding values and norms into intelligent systems

• Ethics and standardization

• Raising ethical awareness among stakeholders

• Transparency in autonomous systems

• Political and legal frameworks

• Formal and mathematical frameworks for robot ethics

• Implementations and engineering studies

• User and HCI/HRI studies at the intersection of the above issues


Keio University Hiyoshi Campus:

Kohoku-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa, Japan



Important Dates 

Proposals for Workshops / Special Sessions             1 March 2024
Submission of Full Draft Papers                                  30 April 2024
(postponed from 15th April)
Notification of Paper Acceptance                               30 May 2024
Submission of Final Papers                                           10 June 2024
Author and Early-bird Registration                             10 June 2024
Preliminary program                                                           1 July 2024

Workshops/Special Sessions

Potential organizers are invited to submit their workshop/special session proposals to the conference secretariat by the key deadline date. The proposals will include the title, aim and scope of the session with a list of potential contributions. All papers submitted for inclusion in the session will go through the conference peer review process.

Gold Sponsor

OMRON SINIC X Corporation

Silver Sponsor

AI Alignment Network

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. 

Bronze Sponsor

Tokyo Robotics Inc.

CyberAgent, Inc.

Opening Line

Sponsored by

• Clawar Association

• Robotics Society of Japan (RSJ)

• Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (JSAI)

• SISReC, OTRI, Osaka University

• IEEE Standards Association

• IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology

•Center of Advanced Research for Human-AI Symbiosis Society, Keio University

•Linked Open Data Initiative Inc.,


© 2024 by ICRES 2024 Program Committee.

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